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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 09848583"

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Applic. No.: 09/848,583 

Remarks : 

Reconsideration of the application is requested. 
Claims 1-13 remain in the application. 

In item 3 on page 2 of the above- identified Office action, the 
drawings have been objected to as failing to comply with 3 7 
CFR 1.84 (p) (4) because the reference sign "10" has been used 
to designate both a control unit and an unknown item in Fig. 1 
and the reference sign "15" has been used to designate both a 
synchronous belt and front stops. 

Figs. 1 and 2 have been amended. Now the reference sign "10" 
only refers to a control unit and the reference sign "15" only 
refers to front stops. The specification has been amended 
accordingly . 

In item 4 on page 2 of the above- identified Office action, the 
specification has been objected to as lacking clarity. 

More specifically, the Examiner has stated that it is unclear 
how the lifting device 2 uses the vertical, non-harmonic 
oscillatory motion to press knives 3 against the knife 13. It 
can be clearly seen from Figs. 1 and 2 that the knives 3 are 
fixedly mounted on the lifting device 2 and thus move together 
with the lifting device 2. It is, therefore, clear that the 

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Applic. No.: 09/848,583 

knives 3 can be pressed against the knife 13 during the 
vertical, non-harmonic oscillatory motion of the lifting 
device 2 . 

In item 6 on page 3 of the above- identified Office action, 
claims 1-10, 12, and 13 have been rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 
112, first paragraph, as containing subject matter which was 
not described in the specification in such a way as to 
enable one skilled in the art to which it pertains, or with 
which it is most nearly connected, to make and/or use the 
invention . 

More specifically, the Examiner has stated that it is unclear 
how the lifting device 2 uses the vertical, non-harmonic 
oscillatory motion to press knives 3 against the knife 13; it 
is uncertain if the whole lifting mechanism 2 moves up and 
down to move the knives 3 towards knife 13 or if the lifting 
mechanism pivots about the screw and during this pivot the 
blades are dropped down to cut the work piece; it is not clear 
what structure inside or outside the transmission 22 connects 
the first drive 1 to the lifting mechanism 2 and what 
structure allows the lifting mechanism 2 to have the vertical, 
non-harmonic oscillatory motion; and it is not clear what type 
of cutting is taking place. 

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Applic. No.: 09/848,583 

It is noted that the enablement requirement under 35 U.S. C. § 
112, first paragraph, does not require Applicants to disclose 
everything necessary to practice the invention. In fact, what ~ 
is well-known is best omitted. All that is necessary is that « 
one skilled in the art be able to practice the claimed 
invention, given the level of knowledge and skill in the art. 
Further the scope of enablement must only bear a "reasonable 
correlation" to the scope of the claims. As concerns the 
breadth of a claim relevant to enablement, the only relevant 
concern should be whether the scope of enablement provided to 
one skilled in the art by the disclosure is commensurate with 
the scope of protection sought by the claims . See MPEP 
2164 . 08 . 

A person skilled in the art would easily understand from the 
drawings and the disclosure of the invention of the instant 
application how the lifting device 2 uses the vertical, non- 
harmonic oscillatory motion to press knives 3 against the 
knife 13. How the lifting device 2 moves, how the 
transmission 22 connects the first drive 1 to the lifting 
mechanism 2, how the transmission 22 allows the lifting 
mechanism 2 to have the vertical, non-harmonic oscillatory 
motion, and what type of cutting is taking place are not 
essential to the invention of the instant application and are 
not claimed in the claims. These functions can be achieved by 

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Applic. No.: 09/848,583 

a person skilled in the art in numerous ways without undue 
experimentation . 

In item 8 on page 4 of the above -identified Office action, 
claims 1-10, 12, and 13 have been rejected as being indefinite 
under 35 U.S.C. § 112, second paragraph. 

Claims 1-10, 12, and 13 are believed to be definite for the 
same reasons as discussed above. 

It is accordingly believed that the specification and the 
claims meet the requirements of 35 U.S.C. § 112, first and 
second paragraphs. Should the Examiner find any further 
•objectionable items, counsel would appreciate a telephone call 
during which the matter may be resolved. The above -noted 
changes to the claims are provided solely for cosmetic and/or 
clarif icatory reasons. The changes are neither provided for 
overcoming the prior art nor do they narrow the scope of the 
claims for any reason related to the statutory requirements 
for a patent . 

In view of the foregoing, an early issue of an Office action 
as to the merits of claims or an issuance of a Notice of 
Allowance is solicited. 

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Applic. No.: 09/848,583 

In the event the Examiner should still find any of the claims 
to be unpatentable, counsel would appreciate a telephone call 
so that, if possible, patentable language can be worked out. 

Petition for extension is herewith made. The extension fee 
for response within a period of two months pursuant to Section 
1.136(a) in the amount of $410.00 in accordance with Section 
1.17 is enclosed herewith. 

Please charge any other fees which might be due with respect 
to Sections 1.16 and 1.17 to the Deposit Account of Lerner and 
Greenberg, P. A., No. 12-1099. 

August 7, 2 0 03 

Lerner and Greenberg, P. A. 
Post Office Box 2480 
Hollywood, FL 33022-2480 
Tel: (954) 925-1100 
Fax: (954) 925-1101 

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